The gang at "Bitterness" has never been a fan of Rosie, but even less so now. Often the butt or bud of many jokes, Rosie is now gonna put out a book. Great. Is this really necessary? The article I read, said, her much awaited book is due in bookstores soon. Much awaited? Really? I mean how many people are looking for what happened when the cameras weren't rolling on the set of the Flintstones? I'll wait for the Rick Moranis memoirs for those anecdotes, thank you very much. And are people gonna be lining up to find out what it was like chilling with Emilio Estevez and Richard Dreyfuss while filming Another Stakeout? Like Emilio would be caught dead in public with Rosie. Paha-lease! Okay well maybe while Emilio was all high or something, you know like when he married, future " Bitterness" dartboard pin-up, Paula Abdul. We really only hope she talks about how hard it was "coming out" . Yeah, a gay entertainer, this day and age, real troublesome. You're tugging at our collective heartstrings. It's not like you're Rock Hudson sweetheart. But congratulations are in order Rosie, as you are the innaugural pin-up on the "Bitterness" dartboard. And we'll finish by kindly asking the world to not buy her book, cause lord knows where the profits will end up. And we sure don't want them parlayed into an Exit to Eden Part Two or a sequel to that movie where she rides the bus.
Academy Award Corrections: On the Sixes
9 years ago